Thursday, May 14, 2009

From Whence I Came.....Post 2

This summer for me will either be the best summer ever, or terribly disappointing. There was no build up to my summer! It was on a whim that I asked to be let out of my summer academic obligations and by the seat of my pants that this entire elaborate journey home was carved out of schedules and countries; and all on a budget. But it was that same element of spontaneity that now has left me expecting so much. I have been to three countries so far and with each stop, the excitement grows.

I feel like a bit of a bum because I've been here a week and a half and have only mustered up one blog entry so far. This is compounded by the fact that the country is beautiful, the people are very courteous and I have been reminded on countless occasions of just how splendid island life has always been. Add to the the view from my perch, high in the hills and I'm a quad-bum...

Out the windows I have borne witness to magnificent views, looking across the marble sea, on which sailboats, yachts, speedboats and ferries zip past every couple of minutes headed for the U.S.V.I or one of the other small islands and islets that make up this country. And that fresh sea breeze. I can't quite get enough of the sea breeze. A stark alternative to my coop, nestled, or should I say buried, in the cool hills of Manchester obscuring any possibility of a view!

I have also re-discovered what it feels like to be "home" at church. The metropolitan churches that I have gotten used to with their excellent musicians and choirs, fail to provide and pale in comparison to a good-old, comfortable, familiar Sabbath day's fellowship! This has further afforded me a foretaste of home. And I can't wait. I leave for home in the morning and I doubt that tonight's rest will be the least bit satisfying. I also face what may turn out to be the longest hour of my life; my wait in-transit in Antigua, with the anticipation of home burning the tip of my tongue!

So here I go, another long summer to explore. Untold possibilities await me, or none at all; And I can't wait to find out which!!!

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